Private Preschool and Childcare
Preschool Providers Prefer Kaymbu
Kaymbu includes a suite of tools meant to deepen the relationship between home and school. That’s why Kaymbu’s family engagement features are used by large childcare chains, franchises, and in-home programs all over the world. With just a few taps, a teacher can take a photo of a child’s development, add it to the child assessment portfolio, and include it in a newsletter to digitally send to that child’s family at the end of the week.
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Features that Make Your Program Stand Out
Here are some of the Kaymbu features that delight staff and families at private preschool and childcare programs
Orange document icon with charts symbolizing reporting features in Kaymbu.
Beautiful, easy-to-create family reports that make it easy for parents to understand how their children are developing.
Orange multimedia icon for video and image sharing in Kaymbu
Instant sharing of photos, videos, and notes via email, text, and a dedicated family app.
Orange table icon representing organizational features in Kaymbu
Time-saving digital daily sheets.
Orange briefcase icon symbolizing administrative tools in Kaymbu.
Free, self-guided online professional development.